Turkey Trouble book and disguise-a-turkey craft.

Disguise-a-Turkey Craft & Printable (with the Perfect Book Pairing!)

I don’t know about you, but as the Kind of Crafty Mom (and a former elementary school teacher), I LOVE a good book-and-craft combo.  And today I have one of the absolute best ones for you.  If you haven’t read the book Turkey Trouble by Wendi Silvano and used it to create your own turkey-in-disguise, you’re in for a treat today!

Pinterest pin for Disguise-a-Turkey.

In the book, “Turkey Trouble,” Turkey learns that the farmer is planning on cooking and eating him on Thanksgiving Day. To stay safe, he comes up with a bunch of clever disguises, dressing up as different farm animals to hide from the farmer. Each time, though, his disguise is figured out. But Turkey doesn’t give up! In the end, he finds a surprising way to save himself and ends up outsmarting everyone. It’s a silly and creative story that shows kids how thinking outside the box can help solve problems.

Reading the Story

This book is SO fun.  It doesn’t take much to get kids excited about reading this one! And even some of your youngest learners can answer questions about the story while you read. While reading aloud, make sure to ask questions such as…

  • Why is Turkey trying on different disguises?
  • What disguise do you think he’ll try on next?
  • How do you think the story will end?

If you’re feeling extra festive, try on some fun voices while reading, or encourage your little ones to stand up and act out different parts of the story!

Disguise-a-Turkey Craft Activity

After reading “Turkey Trouble,” creating your own turkey in disguise is the PERFECT craft.  It’s easy, fun, and encourages AMAZING creativity!

You can use this printable template to help you create your turkey, or you can freehand a turkey using construction paper.  It’s up to you!

Materials Needed:

The materials for this craft are so flexible!  Feel free to use what you have on hand.  Creativity and imagination are the name of the game here!  Some things you might want to use include…

  • Printable turkey template (optional)
  • Construction paper
  • Markers
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Optional add-ons: fabric scraps, googly eyes, stickers, etc. 


Construction paper turkey.
  • Step 1: Print out or draw a turkey template.  This resource includes a few different templates, as well as a writing activity and a list of disguise ideas!
  • Step 2: Brainstorm different disguises for the turkey (e.g., superhero, pirate, ballerina, a favorite character).  Encourage your child to be creative here!  
Construction paper turkey disguised as a witch.

Ella decided to disguise her turkey as a witch!  And I offered her other craft materials, but she wanted to stick with construction paper for her turkey creation.  

Turkey Trouble book and disguise-a-turkey craft.
  • Step 3: Decorate the turkey using the chosen disguise, with the provided materials. You can also suggest using household items for additional decorations.  The sky’s the limit!

This is a perfect spot to follow your child’s lead (even when it’s difficult – resist the urge to take over)!

If you’re a classroom teacher, consider sending this project home for families to complete together!  It’s a great way to encourage creativity, teamwork, and family bonding at home.

Share and Display Your Finished Craft

Your little one is going to be so proud of their finished project!  Be sure to hang it up on the fridge at home, or create an ADORABLE seasonal bulletin board display in your classroom!

And let’s create a disguise-a-turkey gallery on Instagram!  After you create your turkey, post a picture of it and use the hashtag #kindofcraftyturkeys .  I can’t WAIT to see yours!

Downloadable Resources

Extending the Thanksgiving fun

Looking for even more fun Thanksgiving crafts and activities? You’re going to LOVE these!

pinterest pin showcasing the best thanksgiving crafts for kids
Pinterest pin showing two different ways to make a thankful turkey.
pinterest pin for thanksgiving activity pack

When you try this activity at home or in the classroom, I want to hear about it!  Comment below and tell me how you disguised your turkey, or head over to Instagram and use the hashtag #kindofcraftyturkeys to share!

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